Never Be Afraid To Try Something New

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.~ Unknown

On this day of celebration for the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and in anticipation of celebrations for Black History Month, let us reflect on why their actions and words are considered legendary. In the midst of the incredible history and inspiration that we will read and hear about regarding our diverse leaders over the next 5 weeks or so, the one consistent distinguishing trait they possessed is the ability to conquer fear. Dr. King was tired of being afraid to deliver a message of tolerance when the times called for retaliation. Rosa Parks didn't refuse to give up her seat on the bus because she wanted to spark a nation wide movement, she remained seated because she was tired of being afraid to give her body a break. For all that is great about our past great leaders, there is something tragic about the apology they have not received from ALL of us for not properly recognizing their efforts. We dishonor them when we complain about the banks and post offices being closed today without truly understanding why. We dishonor them by failing to do something as simple as grabbing a neighbor and helping them register to vote. Worst of all, we dishonor their memories by being afraid to step up and be leaders. For every drop of blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed on our behalf, today we run the risk of presenting ourselves as ungrateful and uappreciative. Until we grasp an understanding of why it is we celebrate what we celebrate, our fear of being knowledgeable keeps us in the grasp of ignorance.

My challenge to you this week is identify a fear you have and declare yourself no longer afraid! If we are to truly show our appreciation for those that are directly responsible for the liberties we have today, then we have to honor them by conquering our fears. As the 2008 season of diverse celebrations begins, let us not be afraid to gain an understanding of what and who it is we celebrate throughout the year, and our personal role in honoring those that have shown us the way. Lets us not be afraid to build an Ark in our community or for our teams because we aren't considered by the masses to be experts. Not all experts are right and not all visionaries are wrong.

Alonzo Kelly
Milwaukee Urban League Young Professionals