Dare to Be Great

When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether or not I am afraid. ~ Audre Lorde

I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes us so afraid to be great. What is the fear that keeps many of us from reaching our full potential? There are so many quotes out there that speak of not being afraid that it would be impossible to mention them all. Each of them speaks to us about being focused, resilient, and confident. Perhaps it isn't so much our fears that keep us from being great but the pressures of being great itself that holds us back. I dare say that most of us dream of purchasing the winning lottery ticket but we can also tell stories of what happens when people become instant millionaires. Often times the winners are in worse positions than before they started. Why? Because they weren't prepared for their vision becoming a reality. Ever seen a child with a brand new bike? Did you notice how long it took him to crash it? Again the reason being because they weren't prepared for their vision to become a reality. So how do you prepare yourself to be great so that when the time comes you're ready? I offer this simple solution; accept your greatness today. You don't need a winning lottery ticket, new bike, or approval from someone other than you to deemed as great. As our quote this week suggests, use your strength in the service of your vision. If you believe and see yourself as great then the fears of failure don't matter. You will already have conquered them.

My challenge to you this week is to accept your own greatness. Accepting your greatness does not make you conceded or arrogant. What it does is allow you to get over the distraction of fear and get on with the business of building upon what you already know to be true. A mother or father that provides for their children is great. A teacher that increases the mental capacity of a student one lesson at a time is great. A leader that listens, supports, and drives results through others is great. Our brothers and sisters in the community that have made the commitment of making yesterday the last day they are not in control of their own destiny is great. So the only question left regarding greatness isn't what are you afraid of but rather why aren't you prepared?

Alonzo Kelly
Milwaukee Urban League Young Professionals